
Friday, December 24, 2010

Seven wishes on Christmas

Seven wishes on Christmas

ntv7 personalities fill us in on their merry holidays
Shuhaidah Saharani
Thursday, December 23rd, 2010 16:02:00

IT'S a mad dash for present shopping now that Christmas is here once again. With only a few days to go, we can see a sea of people at malls and bazaars, hoping to pounce on special bar­gains.

A cheerful bunch

But really, Christmas must mean more than just presents? To get to know more about the merry holiday, we asked seven ntv7 personali­ties to share with us their Christmas celebrations, and what they'd be looking forward to.

"This year, I'm looking forward to attending the Christmas Eve mass in Church Of The Divine Mercy in Shah Alam by Rev Father Paulino Miran­da," said senior newscaster, Charles Mohan.

"He is really cool and attracts parishioners to sit, listen and apply his homily. And of course, apart from the presents, I also look forward to various special dishes made by my mum and sister."

"Christmas has always been about family, so that's what I look forward to most," added Joanne de Rozario.

"Every year, my mum opens our home to my friends from abroad living in Malaysia who can't celebrate Christmas with their respective fami­lies. So our house is one big gathering of fami­lies and 'adopted children' on Christmas Eve! We all usually don't leave till 4am or so. Oh, and the feast that my parents put out - turkey, ham, pie, lamb, stollen, fruitcake, pineapple tarts - you name it, we've got it."

For MayJune, besides the food and family, she loves Christmas for the 'exercise' that she gets while spreading the Christmas cheers. "I'll be joining the church members for carolling or gathering. I think carolling is a good way to as­semble all friends and church members to walk around the city to sing freely once a year. It is the most joyous way to work out on Christmas!"

For others, the Christmas holiday is a good excuse to travel like Melissa Ong and Grace Ng who will be spending Christmas in Singapore.

"This year, Christmas Eve would be spent at Universal Studios," said Ong. "I'm looking forward for a day of adventure, fun and thrills while reliv­ing favourite moments from blockbuster movies and the famous Dreamworks animations. I'm also excited to see the amazing decorations at Orchard Road."

"I'll be presenting the news on Dec 23," said Ng. "Then, immediately, I'm taking off to Singa­pore with my family to celebrate Christmas with my sister and her family. I've never spent Christ­mas in Singapore before. And we'll also be doing something different this year - a Korean Barbe­cue!" said the presenter who will also celebrate her 24th birthday on Christmas Day.

"What I'd most look forward to this year is to see my nephew dressed up in a Christmas out­fit! He's only 16 months old and he's the cutest thing ever," gushed Hansen Lee.

Christmas means different things to each per­son. Each personality summed up the celebra­tion in a word.

"'Family', because that's what it has always been about in my home. If you gave me two words, it would be 'Food Coma'!" joked de Roza­rio.

"The one word for me is 'PARTY'!" said Melvin Sia. "My friends and I usually hold a theme party for Christmas. We've done all kinds of themes over the years, from pyjama party to sports and Shanghai themes."

• Thanks to 1 Utama Shopping Centre for providing the location.

New year, new hopes

Hansen Lee
From co-hosting The Breakfast Show, Hansen Lee has successfully branched out into acting. To date, he starred in a number of TV shows such as Polo Boys, Déjà vu, a short movie by Royston Tan called Bird­song Trilogy, Astro Citra's miniseries Aki Nabalu and Crossings being the latest.

Now what about his hosting stint?

"I think it's two very distinct sides of me and I love to do both. Fortu­nately in Asia, it is quite accept­able to juggle these two pro­fessions. But someone once told me, there would come a time where I might have to choose, but for now, I don't feel like I have to so I just hope that I can continue to do both and get better at it."

Melissa Ong
She is the newest member of ntv7 as the news anchor for Edisi 7 (ntv7's Malay news). Always looking at the positive side of things, Ong is pretty satisfied with her chosen career.

"Year 2010 has been a sweet ride. I could see improvements in my quality of work - I was shortlisted as top three finalists in Best TV category under PET­RONAS Malaysian Journalism Award 2010 (MPI) and won consolation for the Health Ministry Award for my H1N1 spe­cial report.

"I am still learning and growing. I thank my bosses for their guidance! On career development, if given an oppor­tunity, I would like to host a programme and champion human interest causes. Besides that, adopt an organisation like an orphanage home."
MayJune Tan
She is the champion of the Star Idol Malaysia 2007. While she loves singing, her focus is more on hosting and acting. She has acted in TV dramas such as Neighbour­hood, Pasar, Welcome Home My Love, Exclu­sive Edition and movie such as Love Mat­ters, and hosted May June's Diary, Project Laugh and E7, to name a few. MayJune is not complaining at all.

"I am both a TV host and an actor, but not yet a commercial singer. As Women's Zone host I aim to become a fashion icon; as a TV actor I am working hard to be nominated in the prestigious Golden Awards and to become a commercial singer. I am now undergoing profes­sional vocal lessons.

"I am in the midst of recording a Gos­pel album in Singapore which is in the works to be released in May and also to go on a musical tour around Malaysia and Singapore. In the meantime, I am still carrying on with my acting career.

"For 2011, I hope to make Women's Zone an iconic TV programme. My new year plan is to take an image-consulting course."
Grace Ng
While Ng dabbled in student theatre, performing and experimenting with contemporary dance and physical the­atre while studying in Australia, she joined ntv7 in June 2009 and since then, has never looked back. Recently, Ng is the host for a brand new talk show on ntv7 called Cube.

"Hosting Cube on ntv7 has been great. It's definitely challenging be­ing an assistant producer for the pro­gramme and hosting at the same time. I'm blessed to have a great producer, Azlinda Salim. She's been in TV produc­tion for a long time and she's got a good eye for what looks and sounds good for TV, so it makes it easy for my co-host Adrian and I to do our jobs.

"Adrian and I click really well so it's a breeze hosting with him. We are al­ways on the same page without even having to verbalise it. It's also fun to be able to chat with young people all the time as part of my job. And since one of our segments is about hobbies, we get to try lots of fun stuff that we wouldn't normally do such as paramotoring, silat and tap dancing."

And her theatre work? "Well, I recently helped out a friend, Chen Yih Wen (winner of BMW Shorties 2010) with a short film called Shades of Grey for the KL48-hr film project. You can check it out at

"I am putting theatre on hold still. The time is not right yet."
Melvin Sia
This actor had just won Best Actor for his stint in ntv7 serial drama, Romantic Delicacies and Most Popular Actor at the Golden Awards, Malaysia's first-ever Chinese television awards show last September.

Sia is starring in Tribulations of Life and The Super Match-maker, both new serial dramas airing on ntv7.

"Tribulations of Life will premier on ntv7 on Dec 30, from Monday to Thurs­day at 10pm. While filming, I dislocated my shoulder during an intense fight scene with William San at Broga Hill. William was mortified and drove me all the way to Cheras to a traditional Chi­nese bonesetter. It took six people to set my arm straight again!"

"The Super Match-maker is a Chinese telemovie airing on Feb 3 next year. I had a lot of fun playing an Ah Beng character with MayJune as my girl­friend. I had the typical blonde Ah Beng hairstyle, jinjang clothes, the works! As it was a comedy, the shoot was quite funny and fun for the cast.

"Next year, I hope to expand my ca­reer abroad to countries like Taiwan and China, and go on a long winter vacation. I also hope the house I designed and built will be completely and perfectly done up by next year."
Charles Mohan
While everyone else plans to venture out and try different areas in the en­tertainment industry, Charles Mohan wants to focus solely on news.

"I have seen my friends venturing into entertainment actively, but for me en­tertainment is not for me. I have been in the industry for the past 11 years mov­ing into my twelfth year in the next few days. My forte is doing hardcore news, I have been trained to come out with lots of news coverage on politics, social and human interest stories. So I believe this is the right fit for me.

"The next thing I want to try out would be politics. I like being among the rakyat and I want to be a con­tributing factor in changing their lives and representing their voice. A strong platform in the political party will be an advantage to me.

"2011 is the year of the rabbit, which is my year of birth. I do hope it'll bring me more luck. I hope I will be blessed financially so that I can continue with my charity works, and maybe to settle down in life. Hmmm..."
Joanne de Rozario
Best known for waking you up at 8.30am on ntv7's The Breakfast Show with Daphne Iking, Nazruddin Habibur Rahman and Hansen Lee, de Rozario only hopes that the new year brings happiness to the people she loves.

"I'm the last person you want to ask about resolutions because I've never had them!

"But my first task next year would be, together with my parents, to get my sister's wedding organised and for that, I'm going to need a lot of patience with vendors! So if I were to have 2011 resolutions, I'll say 'be more patient' and finally make my two-wake jump (a water sport trick with the wakeboard) because I didn't achieve that last year," said the sporty girl, who also loves reading and travelling.


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